+2 02 333 736 63
Implementation Management Consulting

Our Implementation Management Consulting supports our clients at both the strategic and tactical levels to ensure client initiatives are fully implemented:

- On time

- On budget

- All technical, business, and human objectives met

Unlike other implementation management consulting firms, we don’t deploy large teams of consultants to “live” on-site. Our philosophy is to apply implementation management consulting as a tool in our arsenal aimed at building your own internal capabilities.

AIM Guarantee

We will guarantee value from every day a DOOR-AIM consultant spends in your organization:

If you are not satisfied with the value you receive from any consulting day, you will not pay for our consultant time.

At the Strategic Level

Our implementation management consultants help develop an implementation plan that incorporates all initiative-appropriate methodology principles. The implementation plan is interwoven with the project plan to create one guiding document.

We’re also called on to provide advice and counsel on best practices for overcoming or managing the inevitable barriers to project success.

At the Tactical Level

We work on the ground with client project teams to produce critical deliverables such as:

1. A compelling Business Case for Action

2. Key role maps identifying authorizing and reinforcing Sponsors, Agents, and Targets

3. Reinforcement and reward systems

4. Communication plans

We offer clients ready-to-use tools and templates that can be plugged into each step of the methodology. Our implementation management consultants are business-savvy, and know how to provide the structure and discipline needed to shorten cycles, limit business disruption, and speed the time to implementation. We bring experience across virtually all industries, with expertise on a wide variety of business initiatives, including:

1. ERP and other proprietary systems

2. Business process re-design

3. Six sigma and lean implementation

4. Mergers and acquisitions

5. Culture change and other organizational transformation initiatives

6. Downsizing

7. Business re-engineering projects


We highly recommend that implementation management consulting be inter-mixed with our learning programs so that your organization gets the dual value of completing project-related deliverables while we build internal capacity in the AIM methodology.